Tuesday, June 26, 2012

That Monitor Can Use A Cleaning

It's been awhile since I've written a blog post, but I had to take the time to post this item that is crucial for pretty much everybody these days.  DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT use a normal household cleaner (i.e. windex or fantastic) on your computer monitor, plasma, LCD or LED screen!  
Here's the scenario:  You're sitting at your desk working away and you suddenly realize you've eaten way too many Drake's Coffee Cakes at your desk without as much as wiping away the crumbs.  You immediately jump into action and run to grab a large roll of paper towels and some Fantastic.  You wipe down the entire desk and it looks a million times better and you're about to walk away with a feeling of accomplishment.  However, out of the side of your line of vision you glance at your computer monitor and realize that your job is far from over.  STOP!! If you take that Fantastic and paper towel to your monitor your might as well call it a day right there because you're not getting any work done through that cloudy monitor.  Attached is an informative article from about.com about the proper way to accomplish this deceptively tricky task.
Of course, you can do this yourself.  However, when in doubt leave it to the professionals!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

So, there's a new Federal EPA law that pertains to lead paint. There appears to be a fair amount of confusion about it and the information wasn't exactly disseminated to the public expeditiously, but the bottom line is that starting April 22, 2010, certain requirements must be followed in buildings built pre-1978. Federal law requires that "contractors performing renovation, repair and painting projects that disturb more than six square feet of paint in homes, child care facilities, and schools built before 1978 must be certified and trained to follow specific work practices to prevent lead contamination." Please take a look at the EPA site with all of the information
On one hand, this does have the potential to increase costs for both homeowners and contractors, but the flip side is that it does have the potential to save lives. Lead paint should be dealt with by a professional in order to prevent any potential damage.
I didn't know much about lead paint but apparently it was widely used for many years. The Wikipedia page says that lead paint was used to "speed drying, increase durability, retain a fresh appearance, and resist moisture that causes corrosion" the one catch is that it's extremely toxic!
There is actually an interesting story about how the Lead Industry Association and paint manufacturers ran an advertising campaign throughout the 20s up to the 50s playing down the hazards of lead paint. In fact the Dutch Boy is actually a small boy messing around with lead paint. I found that fact in this article, along with other interesting facts about lead paint. If you look in the top right corner of the photo it says All Lead Paint. I also like his yellow clogs!
The bottom line is that I became lead certified as did most of our handyman staff, plus we are a Lead Safe Certified Firm. We know how to take the proper precautions in the most cost-effective manner we can. We were already following most of the requirements without even knowing it.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions that you may have.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Social Media, Spotless Style

For awhile Spotless Services shied away from having a social media presence. We worried that our customers aren't looking for us in this way. Even though at least 75% of the Spotless team has a Facebook account, even though I personally check out Facebook numerous times a day on my PC and Blackberry, silly right? Well, we've decided to change all of that and now Spotless Services has a presence on Facebook and Twitter. So, please go ahead and be our fan on Facebook and follow us on Twitter @SpotlessService. We'll be offering special deals for all of you that sign up. If you proclaim that you're a fan of Spotless Services, I promise that we'll make it worth your while.
The Spotless Team

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Cleaning with the Environment in Mind

Here at Spotless we try to do whatever we can to reduce ours as well as our customer's carbon footprint. That is the main reason that we offer a Green Cleaning Service to all of our residential and commercial customers. Our brand of choice is the Shaklee line of products. We charge the same price as our regular cleaning products and they are a nice environmentally friendly alternative

The other day I tried out this carbon footprint calculator and was interested to find out the results. Even if you don't give it a try, I suggest giving our Green Cleaning Service a chance. As you sit back and admire your clean home or office you can rest assured that you did your part for the environment as well.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Spotless Services can save you money!

Yes, that's right, Spotless Services can save you not only money but also time. The other day I was perusing the internet and came across this article. http://articles.moneycentral.msn.com/SavingandDebt/SaveMoney/why-you-should-outsource-your-chores.aspx?page=1.

The tagline says it all, "Paying someone to do your laundry, cleaning and other household tasks can make you more productive. The money spent may be worth the time saved."
At Spotless our aim is to make your life easier, that is why we offer a wide range of services and we offer them at your convenience, day or night.
Our clients are busy professionals, parents on the go, small business owners, etc. Calling on Spotless Services to clean your home, paint your apartment or put together that IKEA furniture that you just purchased can free up more time to be productive in your professional life or your personal life.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

For your viewing pleasure

I was sitting at home watching TV the other day and thinking about the TV I had as a child. I considered myself fortunate to have a 13" black and white TV. And my parents? Well, they were even luckier if they had a wooden piece of furniture with a tiny screen and 3 channels. Well, as we all know times have changed and so have TV's. Now, instead of TV's being a piece of furniture they are now pieces of art that are hung on the wall. So, you've purchased your new 52" HDTV and want to enjoy some optimal viewing pleasure but it's just sitting there on the floor. That's where Spotless comes in! We offer professional flat screen TV mounting (usually same-day). Just give us a call and before you know it you can be sitting back and admiring that professionally mounted crystal clear picture.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

We're up and running!

This is Spotless Services' premier blog post. We will be updating frequently and blogging on a variety of topics. It is our hope that we will be able to share exciting new developments here at Spotless as well as off-topic fun stuff as well.

Through this blog, all of our existing customers as well as all potential customers out there can get to know us a bit better.

I would also like to remind everyone that the summer is here and the weather is heating up! We offer same day A/C installation to help you cool off right away. Give us a call.